Eesti 10112 Tallinn. Tartu mnt 80J sissepääs B
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[ FAQ`s ]

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Mida tähendab järelevalve

Autori järelevalve on projekteerija teenus, mis kaasneb remonditöödega. Juriidiliselt tähendab "autorijärelevalve" kontrolli remonditööde ja projekteeritud projekti visuaalse vastavuse üle. See tähendab, et autor veendub, et teostus vastab väljatöötatud ideele.

How to trim cost?

EhitusArtDesigni disainiteenused
Ruumi sisustus 15 - 35 €/m2
Sisekujundus 10 - 25 €/m2
3D visualiseerimine 10 - 35 €/tund
Muud projekteerimisteenused 15 - 30 €/tund

What is 3D desing and how it work?
The basic philosophy of our studio is to create individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for our customers by lightning-fast development of projects employing unique styles.
How much time I will spend on planning?
The basic philosophy of our studio is to create individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for our customers by lightning-fast development of projects employing unique styles.
What is 3D desing and how it work?
The basic philosophy of our studio is to create individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for our customers by lightning-fast development of projects employing unique styles.
How interior design is cost?
The basic philosophy of our studio is to create individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for our customers by lightning-fast development of projects employing unique styles.
How much time I will spend on planning?
The basic philosophy of our studio is to create individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for our customers by lightning-fast development of projects employing unique styles.
Can I create custom design?
The basic philosophy of our studio is to create individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for our customers by lightning-fast development of projects employing unique styles.

Get Incredible Interior Design Right Now!

At every stage, we could supervise your project – controlling all the details and consulting the builders.

[ pricing plans ]

Choose Your Perfect Plan

Basic Plan

$ 29

per m2

  • Structure of a project
  • Measurement of the room
  • 3D-Visualization of premises
  • Dismantling plan
  • Scheme of interior finishing
  • Floor & celling plan
Choose Plane
maximal Plan

$ 49

per m2

  • Structure of a project
  • Measurement of the room
  • 3D-Visualization of premises
  • Dismantling plan
  • Scheme of interior finishing
  • Floor & celling plan
Choose Plane